As allot of my loyal customers know here at The Ginger Jungle I pride myself on providing you guys with top quality plants and will continue to do so.
I wanted you to know what I am doing to ensure yours and my safety during these very challenging times ahead.
A little bit about me
I run The Ginger Jungle from my home purely by myself, I don't have staff and since 15th March I have been following the Government advice and have chosen to self isolate myself to reduce the risk of catching or spreading Covid 19...I live alone in a very small peaceful village in the South downs national park. I am healthy and have not been in contact with people who have coronavirus symptoms (that I know of).
All these points place me in a good position to continue providing my fantastic service as safely as possible and I want you to know I am doing everything I can to keep supplying you with great plants.
Below are the extra measures I have put in place so The Ginger Jungle remains a safe environment.
The Ginger Jungle extra cleaning precautions
I will and I'm washing my hands regularly using Alcohol Hand Sanitiser and soap
I will be wearing new surgical gloves when cleaning and handling your plants. These will be changed regularly.
As always your plants will be cleaned as an extra precaution I will wipe each pot with Hibiscrub, this is a hospital-strength antimicrobial skin cleanser this is a proven antiseptic, antibacterial and disinfectant that is effective against a wide range of bacteria, viruses.
When packing I will put a fresh pair of surgical gloves on and continue to keep very high hygiene habits
All surfaces will be cleaned with antibacterial spray and bleach.
Collecting stock
I personally collect my stock from a large ventilated warehouse, I very rarely come in contact with people anyway as normally collect very early (4 am) I will ensure I will take extra effort to keep the recommended distance.
I will be wearing surgical gloves and mask when collecting
I will pre-pay to avoid unnecessary contact
I will change my surgical gloves when loading up and use alcohol hand sanitiser as an extra precaution.
Once home your plants will be check and cleaned (they actually get clean twice before they arrive at my customers)
In the very unlikely event, you need to return your plant I can arrange Parcelforce to collect from you at home all you will need to do is print off the label which will be emailed to you and leave the parcel on your doorstep. This completely avoids contact keeping you safe at home.
I hope these precautions provide you with peace of mind you and your family’s health are of the most importance, so feel to message me any time via my chat-box on my website if you have any further questions for me.
It goes without saying that the next few months will be very difficult for everyone and small business like me will be facing one of the challenges time our lives. So please continue to support, share and love however you can. Remember you are not alone the plant community is one of the best, full of great loving people and we all need to do our best to stay connected. Keep safe and stay supportive with one another.
Love Luv Suzanne aka The Ginger Jungle